// THE IMAGINATION THIEF — Literary Fiction with a touch of Magical Realism and a dusting of Horror.

The Imagination Thief by Rohan Quine, Part IX “Sunday: the angel on the carcass-building”

The Imagination Thief by Rohan Quine, Part IX
“Sunday: the angel on the carcass-building”

SCROLL DOWN THIS PAGE and click the below titles 104-115, to view the Video-Book versions of mini-chapters 104-115, which constitute Part IX of the novel.

Above is the Film “JAYMI 115”, which is embedded on the title page of Part IX of The Imagination Thief’s ebook format. In it are coloured shadows for Part IX as a whole, being one lens’s suggestion of Jaymi Peek beneath Angel Deon’s gaze, up on the carcass-building.

Click here to read a transcription of this Film “JAYMI 115”.

(This Film is also on Vimeo and YouTube and the Internet Movie Database (IMDb).)

Buy The Imagination Thief by Rohan Quine in paperback or ebook or audiobook format.

Click the below titles 104-115, to view the Video-Book versions of mini-chapters 104-115

Rohan Quine - The Imagination Thief - Part IX, mini-chapter 104 104. “Violence in the air”—click here for Video-Book
Waking late, I know that today the storm will burst. There is violence in the air.
Rohan Quine - The Imagination Thief - Part IX, mini-chapter 105 105. “The trolls in the warehouse”—click here for Video-Book
You flip your ribcage open with a gesture to the stars, laying lewdly bare a heart like a black fleshy artichoke, and move and look as no one else on earth, beyond description … while hidden in the blackness of the broken warehouse windows all around the field, trolls growl and moan at the lurid beauty in you.
Rohan Quine - The Imagination Thief - Part IX, mini-chapter 106 106. “A gunfight and a snippety exchange”—click here for Video-Book
Well! Snippety-snip.
Rohan Quine - The Imagination Thief - Part IX, mini-chapter 107 107. “Flicker of murder in Angel”—click here for Video-Book
You twitch awake again, and Murder flickers closer to you; waits for you to notice it. You notice it. It lets you drink it in for a moment, then it draws you towards it, with glaring pools of eyes in the darkness of the bedroom … and something subtle changes in you, something irreversible and silent.
Rohan Quine - The Imagination Thief - Part IX, mini-chapter 108 108. “I’ll never see your eyes again”—click here for Video-Book
There’s nothing more to say, then, except goodbye Shigem and goodbye Kim—together for life, I believe. Goodbye, you beautiful, beautiful boys. I’ll never see your eyes again.
Rohan Quine - The Imagination Thief - Part IX, mini-chapter 109 109. “A screech of tyres”—click here for Video-Book
A quiet grinding and clicking emanates from Damian, as the three of them cross the pavement to the door of Downstairs. “Within one year,” he grates at Kev, “you will be dead. But we’ll both be here still—happy that you suffered when you died. Because I’ll make sure you do…
Rohan Quine - The Imagination Thief - Part IX, mini-chapter 110 110. “What it’s like to die by gunshot”—click here for Video-Book
At the end of the line is a graveyard ringed by statues of ash in crumbling colonnades. A sad human head like a marsh-flower swims through the air among the graves, where the long grass weeps. The sky dims and churns. White drizzle falls out of grey light to black snow. The wind dies, and far away, dust blown from distant lands falls to sea in silence.
Rohan Quine - The Imagination Thief - Part IX, mini-chapter 111 111. “What it’s like to die by shriek”—click here for Video-Book
Dim-lit and floppy-limp, an ingrown girl dressed in swimmy-pulsing orange moves pins out of one tiny box, to another tiny box—pin by pin, week by week, month by month, year by year, and age by age—saliva on her bleeding fingers, fixing you with desperate eyes, up through your insides, with claustrophobic moisture mewing stale inside her needy, piteous stare—
Rohan Quine - The Imagination Thief - Part IX, mini-chapter 112 112. “Stealing evidence from the crime scene”—click here for Video-Book
Two blocks on, under the ambiguous grimace of Tillie from the Palace Amusements wall, we stop and peer down the length of Kingsley Street, where a couple of parked police cars’ roof-lights are twirling, down at Fourth Avenue.
Rohan Quine - The Imagination Thief - Part IX, mini-chapter 113 113. “How to bungle an assault”—click here for Video-Book
He jumps to his feet and stands still, staring us down as if tensed to pounce, like the little she-wolf I’ve seen so often inside him; and something about his lone presence down here and the tilt of his sunglasses prompts me to cock the most powerful, intrusive and hypnotic gaze, right behind my eyes, ready for deployment at an instant’s notice.
Rohan Quine - The Imagination Thief - Part IX, mini-chapter 114 114. “Alaia and I are kidnapped”—click here for Video-Book
“Come on up, you little monkeys,” he says, with the ceremonial glee of some infernal pixie ring-master. “Let’s breathe the fumes in, and paint the night red!”
Rohan Quine - The Imagination Thief - Part IX, mini-chapter 115 115. “Shrieking eyes in the ghost town”—click here for Video-Book
Deep longing flickers in his mesmerising eyes, and with that last unbearable sibilant in darkness comes a hiss among the carcass-columns, as of gas in air vents—its shiver like the quiver of the shadow-dagger stuck in Angel’s chest, with his whisper in my ear, Stroke the blade soft on Jaymi’s neck, while he sleeps…


The above Video-Book mini-chapters 104-115 of The Imagination Thief are also linked to from inside the novel’s ebook format. They are here too:

And in the Vimeo showcase “THE IMAGINATION THIEF (novel) – Video-Book format – Rohan Quine”:
mini-chapters 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114 and 115 of the video-book format of The Imagination Thief.

And in the YouTube playlist “THE IMAGINATION THIEF (novel) – Video-Book format – Rohan Quine”:
mini-chapters 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114 and 115 of the video-book format of The Imagination Thief. (If playback of any of these videos looks at all fuzzy on YouTube, then you can quickly and easily adjust the YouTube video-player’s playback “Quality” setting, by doing the following: (1) if you’re on a mobile device, first touch the video image, then touch the three-dots symbol that appears in the top-right corner of the player, touch “Quality” and choose “1080p” (or the highest other setting available on your device, e.g. “720p”); or (2) if you’re on a laptop/desktop device, click the cog symbol on the lower edge of the video-player, click “Quality” and choose “1080p” (or the highest other setting available on your device, e.g. “720p”).)

The 120 mini-chapter title-cards of The Imagination Thief‘s video-book format are also in the Google Photos album “Rohan Quine – THE IMAGINATION THIEF (novel) – mini-chapter titles”.

The Imagination Thief by Rohan Quine is about a web of secrets, triggered by the stealing and copying of people’s imaginations and memories. It’s about the magic that can be conjured up by images of people, in imagination or on film; the split between beauty and happiness in the world; and the allure of various kinds of power. A Distinguished Favorite in the NYC Big Book Award 2021, it celebrates some of the most extreme possibilities of human imagination, personality and language, exploring the darkest and brightest flavours of beauty living in our minds.

Rohan Quine - The Imagination Thief - ebook cover (literary fiction, magical realism, horror)

Rohan Quine's "The Imagination Thief" approved at Awesome Indies - badgeNYC Big Book Award 2021 - Rohan Quine's "The Imagination Thief" as Distinguished Favorite in Literary Fiction category

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Rohan Quine, The Imagination Thief, literary fiction, litfic, magical realism, horror, dark fantasy, cyberpunk, contemporary, science fiction, gay, transgender, LGBTQ+, visionary, spectacular, Asbury Park, New Jersey, New York, small town, psychic, broadcast, enhanced ebook

Rohan Quine

Rohan Quine

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Film and TV Acting: Those New York ’Nineties

Film & TV Acting

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