// THE IMAGINATION THIEF — Literary Fiction with a touch of Magical Realism and a dusting of Horror.

Short teasers for the Video-Book format of Apricot Eyes by Rohan Quine

Short teasers for the Video-Book format of
Apricot Eyes by Rohan Quine

Here below are links to a buffet of short-’n’-snackable video teasers, some of them less than a minute long, excerpted from Apricot Eyes’s video-book format.


In Apricot Eyes by Rohan Quine, a cat-and-mouse pursuit through the New York City night involves a preacher, a psychic and a dominatrix, broadcast live on air—until a horror is unearthed, bringing two of them together and the third to a sticky end. Beneath a waterfront waste ground in the Bronx, a monstrous population is being fattened up, by the preacher, for malign purposes. Jaymi and Scorpio are on his tracks, however, in a blast of fun that trumpets boldness, tolerance and voltage, celebrating the mystery and dangers furled just behind the surface of the everyday. A Distinguished Favorite in the NYC Big Book Award 2021.

APRICOT EYES (novella) by Rohan Quine - ebook cover (literary fiction, magical realism, horror)

(If playback of any of the below videos looks at all fuzzy on YouTube, then you can quickly and easily adjust the YouTube video-player’s playback “Quality” setting, by doing the following: (1) if you’re on a mobile device, first touch the video image, then touch the three-dots symbol that appears in the top-right corner of the player, touch “Quality” and choose “1080p” (or the highest other setting available on your device, e.g. “720p”); or (2) if you’re on a laptop/desktop device, click the cog symbol on the lower edge of the video-player, click “Quality” and choose “1080p” (or the highest other setting available on your device, e.g. “720p”).)


Teaser 2(i)—eyes burn soft—on Vimeo (1’45”)
Teaser 2(i)—eyes burn soft—on YouTube (1’45”)

Teaser 2(ii)—silver high-heeled boots—on Vimeo (1’20”)
Teaser 2(ii)—silver high-heeled boots—on YouTube (1’20”)

Teaser 3(i)—under the Elevated Expressway—on Vimeo (2’04”)
Teaser 3(i)—under the Elevated Expressway—on YouTube (2’04”)

Teaser 3(ii)—forsaken grid of avenues—on Vimeo (1’26”)
Teaser 3(ii)—forsaken grid of avenues—on YouTube (1’26”)

Teaser 3(iii)—North and South Brother Islands—on Vimeo (1’11”)
Teaser 3(iii)—North and South Brother Islands—on YouTube (1’11”)

Teaser 4(i)—arrows flare and fall—on Vimeo (2’15”)
Teaser 4(i)—arrows flare and fall—on YouTube (2’15”)

Teaser 4(ii)—convulsive grace on Tenth Avenue—on Vimeo (1’39”)
Teaser 4(ii)—convulsive grace on Tenth Avenue—on YouTube (1’39”)

Teaser 5(i)—mouths silent-screaming—on Vimeo (1’37”)
Teaser 5(i)—mouths silent-screaming—on YouTube (1’37”)

Teaser 5(ii)—gold amid the grey and red—on Vimeo (1’59”)
Teaser 5(ii)—gold amid the grey and red—on YouTube (1’59”)

Teaser 6(i)—who is that inside me?—on Vimeo (0’45”)
Teaser 6(i)—who is that inside me?—on YouTube (0’45”)

Teaser 6(ii)—dark flame on Forty-Second—on Vimeo (1’43”)
Teaser 6(ii)—dark flame on Forty-Second—on YouTube (1’43”)

Teaser 6(iii)—that was way too naked—on Vimeo (1’53”)
Teaser 6(iii)—that was way too naked—on YouTube (1’53”)

Teaser 7(i)—the monkey on the parapet—on Vimeo (1’41”)
Teaser 7(i)—the monkey on the parapet—on YouTube (1’41”)

Teaser 7(ii)—a past life of Scorpio’s—on Vimeo (2’04”)
Teaser 7(ii)—a past life of Scorpio’s—on YouTube (2’04”)

Teaser 7(iii)—on the Palatine in Nero’s day—on Vimeo (2’05”)
Teaser 7(iii)—on the Palatine in Nero’s day—on YouTube (2’05”)

Teaser 8(i)—across from Riker’s island—on Vimeo (1’37”)
Teaser 8(i)—across from Riker’s island—on YouTube (1’37”)

Teaser 8(ii)—on top of everything else—on Vimeo (2’10”)
Teaser 8(ii)—on top of everything else—on YouTube (2’10”)

Teaser 9(i)—Fernibel’s messianic rapture—on Vimeo (0’44”)
Teaser 9(i)—Fernibel’s messianic rapture—on YouTube (0’44”)

Teaser 9(ii)—clang of metal bolts—on Vimeo (1’39”)
Teaser 9(ii)—clang of metal bolts—on YouTube (1’39”)

Teaser 9(iii)—passionless, compassionless—on Vimeo (1’33”)
Teaser 9(iii)—passionless, compassionless—on YouTube (1’33”)

Teaser 9(iv)—Scorpio’s reflection—on Vimeo (1’40”)
Teaser 9(iv)—Scorpio’s reflection—on YouTube (1’40”)

Teaser 10(i)—shadow of a demon—on Vimeo(1’40”)
Teaser 10(i)—shadow of a demon—on YouTube (1’40”)

Teaser 11(i)—squeezing over gravel—on Vimeo (1’04”)
Teaser 11(i)—squeezing over gravel—on YouTube (1’04”)

Teaser 11(ii)—his darkness magnetises—on Vimeo (1’09”)
Teaser 11(ii)—his darkness magnetises—on YouTube (1’09”)


The above teasers for Apricot Eyes‘s Video-Book are here too:

And in the Vimeo showcase “Teasers for APRICOT EYES by Rohan Quine”.

And in the YouTube playlist “Teasers for APRICOT EYES by Rohan Quine”.

Here are the basics of what the novella is all about.

Here are some great reviews of it.

Buy Apricot Eyes in paperback or ebook or audiobook format.


To watch any of the 11 complete and unabridged chapters of the novella’s video-book format (for which the above little video snippets on this page are just short teasers), see:
here for chapter 1;
here for chapter 2;
here for chapter 3;
here for chapter 4;
here for chapter 5;
here for chapter 6;
here for chapter 7;
here for chapter 8;
here for chapter 9;
here for chapter 10; and
here for chapter 11.

Rohan Quine, 'Apricot Eyes' video-book - opening still for chapter 10

Rohan Quine, 'Apricot Eyes' video-book - closing still for chapter 10

Rohan Quine, 'Apricot Eyes' video-book - opening still for chapter 9

NYC Big Book Award 2021 - Rohan Quine's "The Platinum Raven and other novellas" as Distinguished Favorite in Anthology category

Buy Apricot Eyes in paperback or ebook or audiobook format.


Add Rohan Quine’s Apricot Eyes in Mobi or ePub or paperback format to Goodreads.
Add Rohan Quine’s "Apricot Eyes" ebook (Mobi format) to Goodreads Add Rohan Quine’s "Apricot Eyes" ebook (ePub format) to Goodreads Add Rohan Quine’s "The Platinum Raven and other novellas" paperback to Goodreads

Rohan Quine, Apricot Eyes, literary fiction, litfic, magical realism, horror, dark fantasy, cyberpunk, contemporary, scifi, gay, transgender, LGBTQ+, New York, Bronx, Hunts Point, Meat Packing District, broadcast, worms, poison, city, evangelist

Rohan Quine

Rohan Quine

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