// THE IMAGINATION THIEF — Literary Fiction with a touch of Magical Realism and a dusting of Horror.

The Platinum Raven (novella) by Rohan Quine: Video-Book format

The Platinum Raven (novella)
by Rohan Quine: Video-Book format

Click on the 31 headings below, and you’ll land on the 31 pages where the novella’s Video-Book format lives…


The Platinum Raven by Rohan Quine is a triple convulsion whereby our heroine Raven escalates herself into the Chocolate Raven and then the Platinum Raven, from London to Dubai to the tower in the hills in the desert—then back down again, forever changed. The daydreams of the downtrodden Raven propel her into a fantasy life as a more glamorous version of herself: a party girl living in the world’s tallest building, the Burj Khalifa. This latter’s imagination then spawns a yet more empowered and intense version of herself, as empress of a sequence of events whose fusion of extraordinary beauty, violence and sensuality is bewitching… A Distinguished Favorite in the NYC Big Book Award 2021.


The Platinum Raven chapter 1—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 1

The Platinum Raven chapter 2—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 2

The Platinum Raven chapter 3—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 3

The Platinum Raven chapter 4—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 4

The Platinum Raven chapter 5—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 5

The Platinum Raven chapter 6—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 6

The Platinum Raven chapter 7—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 7

The Platinum Raven chapter 8—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 8

The Platinum Raven chapter 9—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 9

The Platinum Raven chapter 10—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 10

The Platinum Raven chapter 11—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 11

The Platinum Raven chapter 12—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 12

The Platinum Raven chapter 13—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 13

The Platinum Raven chapter 14—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 14

The Platinum Raven chapter 15—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 15

The Platinum Raven chapter 16—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 16

The Platinum Raven chapter 17—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 17

The Platinum Raven chapter 18—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 18

The Platinum Raven chapter 19—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 19

The Platinum Raven chapter 20—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 20

The Platinum Raven chapter 21—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 21

The Platinum Raven chapter 22—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 22

The Platinum Raven chapter 23—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 23

The Platinum Raven chapter 24—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 24

The Platinum Raven chapter 25—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 25

The Platinum Raven chapter 26—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 26

The Platinum Raven chapter 27—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 27

The Platinum Raven chapter 28—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 28

The Platinum Raven chapter 29—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 29

The Platinum Raven chapter 30—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 30

The Platinum Raven chapter 31—Video-Book format

THE PLATINUM RAVEN by Rohan Quine - video-book format - chapter 31

To watch some short teasers (many of them less than a minute) excerpted from all of the above, see here.

Here are the basics of what the novella is all about.

Here are some great reviews of it.

Buy The Platinum Raven in paperback or ebook or audiobook format.


Table of Contents of The Platinum Raven


1. A sudden white rabbit

2. The most beautiful building in the world
3. Fronds A to P
4. Chocolate hair on white silk
5. The bellow on the rock-slopes

6. Platinum hair on black silk
7. Purple and red and yellow and … on fire
8. The mad-faced tower in the mountains
9. The squirly brown windows in the turret
10. Santa Monica Boulevard
11. In the arms of the man from the garden of love
12. The pug among the struts, in the pale blue strait-jacket
13. Black and rust and ochre over the plain
14. Slinky-smooth in the mirror mist
15. Planets hanging heavy
16. The adventures of the dead girl
17. A kiss of jagged glass
18. I see you!
19. Mirrors in the labyrinth
20. Analysis of motion through CCTV
21. The Platinum Raven’s message-in-a-bottle
22. The black and red flower
23. The point of silver in the dawn
24. Catch you later!

25. Electric aliveness and happiness, remembered
26. Scent of fucked-up dark devouring hunger
27. Through the Spire to the Pinnacle
28. Whisper of Scorpio
29. Flash of Amber in Scorpio
30. Two Ravens on the freeway

31. The hair in the corridor


The above-listed 31 chapters of The Platinum Raven‘s Video-Book format are here too:

And in the Vimeo showcase “THE PLATINUM RAVEN (novella) – Video-Book format – Rohan Quine”:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31.

And in the YouTube playlist “THE PLATINUM RAVEN (novella) – Video-Book format – Rohan Quine”:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31. (If playback of any of these videos looks at all fuzzy on YouTube, then you can quickly and easily adjust the YouTube video-player’s playback “Quality” setting, by doing the following: (1) if you’re on a mobile device, first touch the video image, then touch the three-dots symbol that appears in the top-right corner of the player, touch “Quality” and choose “1080p” (or the highest other setting available on your device, e.g. “720p”); or (2) if you’re on a laptop/desktop device, click the cog symbol on the lower edge of the video-player, click “Quality” and choose “1080p” (or the highest other setting available on your device, e.g. “720p”).)

The 31 chapter title-cards of The Platinum Raven‘s video-book format are also in the Google Photos album “Rohan Quine – THE PLATINUM RAVEN (novella) – chapter titles”.

Production (22 February 2019) and post-production credits of The Platinum Raven‘s Video-Book format: the Director of Photography / Lighting Cameraman was Paul J. Lucas of FASTERTHANLIGHT; the Sound Recordist was Billy Pleasant of Pleasant Sound; the Autocue Operator was Noel Le Bon, for First Take Autocue; the location was Billy Pleasant’s studio; and the Producer, Narrator and Editor was Rohan Quine. The Mastering Engineer for the audiobook was Nick Clapham; and all audiobook files were prepared for delivery to retailers by Oscar Eriksen at The Audiobook Producers.

NYC Big Book Award 2021 - Rohan Quine's "The Platinum Raven and other novellas" as Distinguished Favorite in Anthology category

Buy The Platinum Raven in paperback or ebook or audiobook format.


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Rohan Quine, The Platinum Raven, literary fiction, litfic, magical realism, horror, dark fantasy, cyberpunk, contemporary, science fiction, gay, transgender, LGBTQ+, Dubai, Burj Khalifa, Palm Jumeirah, London, Shard, skyscraper, desert, nightclub, drug

Rohan Quine

Rohan Quine

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