// THE IMAGINATION THIEF — Literary Fiction with a touch of Magical Realism and a dusting of Horror.

Interviews 13

Rohan Quine - New York - Interviews 13Interviews 13. […And about smoking. Until quitting in 2001, it was a daily average of about ten painfully super-slim Capri cigarettes—a fierce little lifestyle in themselves, these things were, each packet like a chic little array of size-double-zero fashion-models.] (21”)

[Text:] And at this point I’d like to say thank you to our corporate sponsor, Capri—a satisfying smoke and a way of life. They look like joints; I’ve had more than one bartender say to me, “Could you step outside and smoke that, please?” because they think it’s a joint. And I’m very flattered because my joints are not this professional, I can tell you.
(See video here.)


(This video is also on Vimeo and YouTube.)

Rohan Quine - 'Imperial Orgy' 7

Rohan Quine

Rohan Quine

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