(5) Oz
(5) Oz. As prison-queen Kiki Faye Downing, inmate number 94D696 in the “Emerald City” wing of Oswald Maximum Security Correctional Facility, in the TV show Oz, in many episodes, especially “Straight Life”, “Cruel & Unusual Punishments”, “Secret Identities”, “Obituaries”, “A Town Without Pity” and “Medium Rare”.
Throughout this cult drama series written by Tom Fontana, my character Kiki Faye only seldom moved the plot forward and did hardly a stroke of work, frankly—because let’s face it, there was always the much more important business of flitting around in various slinky and erection-revealing outfits based on the tights-&-hotpants-&-babyTshirt concept (always an influence on New York Fashion Week). The sparkliest outfit was as “ring girl” in the boxing ring, at matches between pairs of dangerous inmates whose masculine grappling with each other created a spectacle that was always … relaxing. Her virginity didn’t last long in Em City.
You can see Kiki Faye there in the opening credits of Season 1, sitting alone in a corridor, accompanied by that gloriously sleazy theme music. She voices her anger that the character Cramer’s gayness went against him at his trial; and it’s often been said that Oz deserved an Emmy but that its gay content was too risky for the Emmys to have dared to award it back in the mid- to late ’90s when the show was airing. Today they wouldn’t have been such nervous nellies about that. IMDb listings here, here, here, here, here and here; and an official still on the IMDb here.
Also see, on the “Oz TV Wiki”: Kiki Faye’s page here; my own page here; and the gay inmates’ pages here and here.
Also see, on the Portuguese “Oz Wiki”: Kiki Faye’s page here; my own page here; and the gay inmates’ page here.
And see Kiki Faye’s mentions in the “OZ Daily” LiveJournal blog here. (10’45”)
(See video here.)
(This video is also on Vimeo.)