(49) An Endless Game
(49) An Endless Game. As a demon spirit named Fujin, in the short film An Endless Game directed by Momoe Melon.
In this demo-reel compilation of my scenes in An Endless Game, the lovely Momoe’s vision has an authentically fairy-tale quality of deadliness and magic. The exterior and interior of the brownstone building was in Harlem; the park was on Forsyth Street; and that happy sequence of trippiness and inventive surreality, where I move in mysterious ways while a light drizzle of fish-heads comes down around me, was filmed in a desolate corner of Red Hook, Brooklyn.
(A black-and-white film record of the very same red corrugated-iron fence can be seen in Untitled, elsewhere on this demo reel. In view of its two appearances here in Those New York ’Nineties, I feel affection for that old fence, which was probably removed when Red Hook stopped having desolate corners.) (5’43”)
(See video here.)