// THE IMAGINATION THIEF — Literary Fiction with a touch of Magical Realism and a dusting of Horror.

(13) The Next Big Thing

Rohan Quine - New York - The Next Big Thing(13) The Next Big Thing. As an Artiste in a bar, in the feature film The Next Big Thing directed by P.J. Posner.

For a quick snippet of art-biz frippery, this is me as a rising player in New York’s overheated art market. In fact my character has become so smokingly in-demand, so painfully on-trend, and doubtless so deliriously up-himself, that his team of professional art-fabricators no longer just fabricate his artworks—they also come up with the ideas for his artworks, so he’s spared from the tiresome grunt-work of coming up with the ideas himself. IMDb listing here. (16”)
(See video here.)


(This video is also on Vimeo and YouTube.)

Rohan Quine in 'The Next Big Thing' 1
Rohan Quine in 'The Next Big Thing' 2

Rohan Quine

Rohan Quine

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Film & TV Acting

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