// THE IMAGINATION THIEF — Literary Fiction with a touch of Magical Realism and a dusting of Horror.

(10) Simply Being

Rohan Quine - New York - Simply Being(10) Simply Being. As art gallery owner (and unnecessary eyepatch-wearer) Marc Osgood, in the short film Simply Being directed by Luis Marin.

Some art gallery owners just don’t feel complete without wearing a fashionably pretentious eyepatch—even if that eyepatch gets embarrassingly “outed” as being 100% unnecessary, as happens here. Some art gallery owners see so much better when using only one eye. And some acting performances take ridiculous goofiness to a whole new level. It’s dirty work, but someone has to do it (and it’s probably good for us, somehow). (4’17”)
(See video here.)


(This video is also on Vimeo and YouTube.)

Rohan Quine in 'Simply Being' 1
Rohan Quine in 'Simply Being' 2
Rohan Quine in 'Simply Being' 3
Rohan Quine in 'Simply Being' 4
Rohan Quine in 'Simply Being' 5
Rohan Quine in 'Simply Being' 6
Rohan Quine in 'Simply Being' 8

Rohan Quine

Rohan Quine

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Film and TV Acting: Those New York ’Nineties

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