Video of performance in New Libertines show
It was a pleasure to perform a slice of mini-chapter 17 “Sound & Vision” from my novel The Imagination Thief, on 1 August 2014 in the New Libertines show called “it only hurts the first time” at the Old Fire Station in Oxford, organised and introduced by our generous host, the New Libertines’ MC Dan Holloway. A video of that very slice can be seen below, plus a couple of shots showing us both bathed in an appropriately absinthe-green light.
The film showing on the screen beside me throughout the reading is “JAYMI 17”—a film that appears on the title page of the ebook edition of The Imagination Thief and also at, featuring me as the novel’s narrator Jaymi Peek and Jen McFaul as Angel’s Baby Doll. The film’s audio-text is at; and the novel’s mini-chapter 17 (from which that text was taken) is at
I was chuffed to be performing alongside many other lovely words, from Dan Holloway, Lucy Furlong, Rebecca Woodhead, Alice Furse, Davy Mac and an anonymous underground star writer—plus the music of the band Superhand. For more info on Dan’s New Libertines, see