// THE IMAGINATION THIEF — Literary Fiction with a touch of Magical Realism and a dusting of Horror.

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This website has just been equipped with Firsty Express functionality, which means that the ebook formats of these five tales may now be bought directly from here.

Via the general “Buy” page, all paperbacks and ebooks will continue to be available from the usual book retailers’ sites, such as Foyles, Amazon, Apple, Blackwell’s, Waterstones, Barnes & Noble, WHSmith and Kobo, all unchanged from before.

But as an alternative, the ebook formats are also available directly, from the “Buy Direct” page. (Which is currently also showcased here by this site’s web developer, the Firsty Group.)

All these channels are good, though. All are equal conduits for loveliness. So whichever may be your preference, whether for paperback or for ebook (Kindle or ePub format), that’s the channel to use. 🙂

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Rohan Quine's website in Firsty Express showcase 2

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Rohan Quine

Rohan Quine

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