// THE IMAGINATION THIEF — Literary Fiction with a touch of Magical Realism and a dusting of Horror.

Shall be performing in New Libertines show

Delighted to be performing in Dan Holloway’s upcoming New Libertines show on 1 August 2014 – “a showcase of bold, brave and brilliant dark corners of the literary world. The New Libertines stand for human experience in its glorious, messy, complex entirety, and stand against everything that is blank, bleak and brutal, one-dimensional or slick in contemporary culture, especially current literary culture. With roots that spread to burlesque, Beat, fin de siecle France and ecstatic mystics, before slapping its influences around the face with a knuckle-dusting of postmodern wit and Modernist anger, New Libertinism is a celebration of light in dark corners, desire in the face of boredom, despair hidden beneath the underskirts of affluence – of everything it means to be human.”

For more info see our host/MC Dan’s page and the Old Fire Station’s page.

Dan Holloway's 01-08-14 New Libertines show

Dan Holloway's 01-08-14 New Libertines show

Dan Holloway's 01-08-14 New Libertines show

Dan Holloway's 01-08-14 New Libertines show

Dan Holloway's 01-08-14 New Libertines show

Rohan Quine

Rohan Quine

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Film & TV Acting

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