// THE IMAGINATION THIEF — Literary Fiction with a touch of Magical Realism and a dusting of Horror.

In Michelle Elvy’s article “Creating Other Worlds”

I’m grateful to Michelle Elvy for including me in her article “Creating Other Worlds: Fantasy and Adventure on Page and Screen”, at Awkword Paper Cut, where she shines a thoughtful light on the varied flavours of five authors’ approaches to creating fantastical things:


I talk about the DNA of these five tales, and their oblique relationship with the categories they get slotted into—literary fiction and magical realism, plus a dose of horror. With merciful brevity, I also touch on that weighty philosophical question, the difference between a plant and a weed…


Rohan Quine in 'APC' - 1


Rohan Quine in 'APC' - 2


Rohan Quine

Rohan Quine

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