// THE IMAGINATION THIEF — Literary Fiction with a touch of Magical Realism and a dusting of Horror.

Rohan Quine

Extended interview about “The Imagination Thief” by Dan Holloway at “eight cuts”

I’m grateful to Dan Holloway (novelist, blogger, literary impresario and dedicated rat-keeping maestro) for posting an interview about The Imagination Thief at his eight cuts site:


His intelligent questions helped clarify aspects of the tale in my own mind, by prompting me to look at it from specific new angles, as might occur when sitting on top of a wardrobe in order to get a new view of a familiar room (not that I’ve tried this, but I’m thinking now perhaps I shall).

Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 1
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 2
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 3
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 4
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 5
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 6
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 7
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 8
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 9
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 10
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 11
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 12
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 13
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 14
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 15
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 16
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 17
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 18
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 19
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 20
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 21
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 22
Dan Holloway's interview at 'eight cuts', about 'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine - 23

“Pushing Envelopes and Breaking Boxes” at Ti Pi Tin bookstore


On Saturday 8 June 2013 at 2.00 p.m., in conjunction with the Stoke Newington Literary Festival, The Imagination Thief and I shall be at the independent bookstore Ti Pi Tin, on a literarily envelope-pushing panel called “Pushing Envelopes and Breaking Boxes”, and then participating in a reading there at 5.30 p.m. Both these events on the 8th are curated by novelist and literary impresario Dan Holloway–so please come along and join the fun.

Tumblr, Wattpad, Facebook, Twitter: novel and videos unrolling…


The Imagination Thief‘s 120 mini-chapters are being unrolled on Wattpad (1-98) and Wattpad (99-120), in sync with the unrolling of the video-book and audio-book versions of those 120 mini-chapters via Tumblr. Links to those Tumblr and Wattpad postings are also appearing here at https://www.rohanquine.com/home-the-imagination-thief-novel/audiobook-tumblr-wattpad/.

In addition, those Tumblr postings are propagating onto Twitter and Facebook.

Despite the above roll-out of text and accompanying audio-visual fun, the best thing of all is of course to snap up a copy of the ebook itself, because the ebook includes all the above material inside the text itself — and at a mere snip of a price. Luckily, this can easily be done via https://www.rohanquine.com/buy/.

And if you get a bit of pleasure from The Imagination Thief, either via the above links or from the E-Book itself, then many warm thanks from me to you, for any good words you may perchance feel moved to tap out, at whatever online retailer it came from.

Below are screen-captures of 13 of the 132 media compilations posted at Tumblr.


'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (1) - introduction

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (74) - Film for Part V (= for mini-chapters 61-68)

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (10) - mini-chapter 9

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (35) - mini-chapter 32

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (100) - mini-chapter 93

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (132) - Film for the novel

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (83) - mini-chapter 77

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (131) - Film for Part X (= for mini-chapters 116-120)

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (42) - mini-chapter 39

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (112) - Film for Part VIII (= for mini-chapters 95-103)

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (37) - mini-chapter 34

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (116) - mini-chapter 107

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (129) - mini-chapter 119

The Imagination Thief on Goodreads


The Imagination Thief has arrived on Goodreads:

The full novel in ePub format (i.e. for all devices and e-reading software except Amazon’s), ISBN 978-0-9574419-0-3, is at
goodreads.com/book/show/17284537-the-imagination-thief, where you can buy it and also read Parts I-III of it online.

The full novel in Kindle/Amazon format, ISBN 978-0-9574419-1-0, is at
goodreads.com/book/show/17284514-the-imagination-thief, where you can buy it and also read Parts I-III of it online.

Just Part I by itself (with all the front matter) in ePub format, ISBN 978-0-9574419-0-3, is at
goodreads.com/book/show/17284652-the-imagination-thief, where you can read it online and also download it freely.

The Imagination Thief on Vimeo, YouTube and Google Photos


A few new links:

A bit of fun on Vimeo…

A bit of fun on Google Photos…

And on YouTube…

My page on Amazon.com (including some of these video shenanigans here on rohanquine.com)…

My page on Amazon.co.uk…

Some new posts on Tumblr…

And Wattpad…

And Twitter…

Facebook and Goodreads, up next.

I recorded the audio for this while standing in my hot-water tank closet


I recorded the audio for this while standing in my hot-water tank closet, with the door closed and a carrot up my bottom, as you can probably hear, but no matter: with a sober focus on the most vapid end of this site, the following compilation video shows me flitting about in silly outfits, hogging the camera and saying a few well-chosen words in various films and TV shows in New York, from Zoolander and Oz on downwards. Great acting it wasn’t, but fun it was—for me at least.

TNY’N Montage Video: Intro and Stills

Or as stills only…

TNY’N Stills

Rohan Quine - Those New York 'Nineties

Some novels aren’t complete without a reassuringly pretentious little chunk-ette of literary theory attached

Some novels aren’t complete without a reassuringly pretentious little chunk-ette of literary theory attached, to tell us whether they’re worth what their author says (and let’s face it, we can’t trust that) or whether they’re just a puff of hot air. Indeed, what is all this stuff here worth? Is it complex, original, both timely and timeless? Is it all wind and piss? To answer these questions, I have not flinched from putting myself at the cross-hairs of some dangerously conceptual analysis, in the following video called “A proliferation of lenses”, in order to bring you the truth about Video-Books and Films living inside E-Books of novels about eyes and lenses and self-images… Yes indeed, it’s the Sartre-explains-Genet literary-critical truth. Perhaps.


 Rohan Quine - 'A proliferation of lenses' - 1

Rohan Quine - 'A proliferation of lenses' - 2

Rohan Quine - 'A proliferation of lenses' - 3

Rohan Quine - 'A proliferation of lenses' - 4

Rohan Quine - 'A proliferation of lenses' - 5


Rohan Quine

Rohan Quine

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If you’ve enjoyed any of these tales, then my warm appreciation for leaving a quick rating or just a handful of words of feedback on it, at the online retailer it came from. If you are able to do so, then this really would help me enormously, so very many thanks! 🙂

Film and TV Acting: Those New York ’Nineties

Film & TV Acting

Films inside ebook of novel “The Imagination Thief”

Films in The Imagination Thief (novel)