// THE IMAGINATION THIEF — Literary Fiction with a touch of Magical Realism and a dusting of Horror.

Tumblr, Wattpad, Facebook, Twitter: novel and videos unrolling…


The Imagination Thief‘s 120 mini-chapters are being unrolled on Wattpad (1-98) and Wattpad (99-120), in sync with the unrolling of the video-book and audio-book versions of those 120 mini-chapters via Tumblr. Links to those Tumblr and Wattpad postings are also appearing here at https://www.rohanquine.com/home-the-imagination-thief-novel/audiobook-tumblr-wattpad/.

In addition, those Tumblr postings are propagating onto Twitter and Facebook.

Despite the above roll-out of text and accompanying audio-visual fun, the best thing of all is of course to snap up a copy of the ebook itself, because the ebook includes all the above material inside the text itself — and at a mere snip of a price. Luckily, this can easily be done via https://www.rohanquine.com/buy/.

And if you get a bit of pleasure from The Imagination Thief, either via the above links or from the E-Book itself, then many warm thanks from me to you, for any good words you may perchance feel moved to tap out, at whatever online retailer it came from.

Below are screen-captures of 13 of the 132 media compilations posted at Tumblr.


'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (1) - introduction

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (74) - Film for Part V (= for mini-chapters 61-68)

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (10) - mini-chapter 9

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (35) - mini-chapter 32

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (100) - mini-chapter 93

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (132) - Film for the novel

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (83) - mini-chapter 77

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (131) - Film for Part X (= for mini-chapters 116-120)

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (42) - mini-chapter 39

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (112) - Film for Part VIII (= for mini-chapters 95-103)

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (37) - mini-chapter 34

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (116) - mini-chapter 107

'The Imagination Thief' by Rohan Quine, on Tumblr (129) - mini-chapter 119

Rohan Quine

Rohan Quine

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Film and TV Acting: Those New York ’Nineties

Film & TV Acting

Films inside ebook of novel “The Imagination Thief”

Films in The Imagination Thief (novel)